Announcements The class web site this quarter (Fall 2014) is
The material below is from 2013.
Game Theory
The course introduces students to modern game theory, including applications in the social sciences as well as in biology and computer science. Students are expected to be familiar with differential calculus and basic probability theory, and to have declared a major in a social science or in biology, engineering or mathematics.
The primary text is is Games, Strategies and Decision Making, by Joseph Harrington, Worth Publishers (2008). Additional readings are on reserve in the Science Library and/or posted below.
Grades are based on weekly homework assignments and participation (~20%), a midterm exam (~20%), a final exam (~40%) and the term project (~20%).
The class meets Tu Th noon – 01:45PM in Physical Sciences 114.
Instructor is Dan Friedman. His Office hours are W 2-4 pm, and by appointment, in 417 Engineering 2.
Reader is Matt Baumer. His office hours are 2:30-4:30 W in E2 403G and section times are 8:30 T and 12:30 W in Kresge 327.
Due dates.
Writeups of term projects are all due Monday Dec 9, at noon. Please slide a hardcopy under the door 417 E2. If you eventually want to retrieve a copy with pencilled comments, include a second hardcopy.
The final exam is in class Tues Dec 10 from 4 -7pm.
- Game theory readings // Posted on Sept. 26, 2013
- Some books you might want to peruse for additional insights.
- – download
- Problem Set #1 // Posted on Sept. 11, 2013
- Due Oct 8
- – download