Daniel Friedman joined the UCSC Economics faculty in 1985 after teaching at UCLA and UC Berkeley. He has broad research interests in applied economic theory, with emphasis on learning and evolution, laboratory experiments, and financial markets. The coauthor of five academic books, fourteen NSF grants, and roughly 100 research articles, he currently is studying a) financial market design, b) strategic behavior in real time, and c) evolutionary dynamics of continuous strategies or traits.
His popular book, Morals and Markets: An Evolutionary Perspective on the Modern World, was published by Palgrave-MacMillan in October 2008. A second paperback edition, co-authored with journalist Daniel McNeill, appeared in June 2013 with the subtitle: A Dangerous Balance.
- Econ 166A
- Econ 234
- Econ 101
- Econ 100M
- Econ 204B – Advanced Microeconomics II
- Econ 200 — MS Level Microeconomics
- ECON 165 – Economics as Experimental Science
- Econ/CMPS/Bio 166a/272 – Evolutionary Game Theory
To view Dan Friedman’s papers, please visit the following tables and search the term “Dan Friedman.” You can also sort by title, year, and more:
List of Dan Friedman’s papers, in alphabetical order:
- 2013 Regional ESA Conference Program
- A Comparison of Learning Models
- A Comparison of Learning and Replicator Dynamics Using Laboratory Data
- A Continuous Dilemma
- A Laboratory Investigation of Networked Markets
- A Simple Testable Model of Double Auction Markets
- A Theoretical Model of the Investors Exchange
- A laboratory Investigation of Deferral Options
- A tractable model of reciprocity and fairness
- An Empirical Analysis of Price Formation in Double Auction Markets
- An Empirical Analysis of Price Formation in Double Auction Markets
- An Experiment on the Core
- An Experimental Investigation of Price Dispersion and Cycles
- Asset Market Experiments
- BABEEW5 Program (2015)
- Bargaining versus Posted Price Competition in Customer Markets
- Boiling Frogs Optimally
- Broadening the Tests of Learning Models
- Bubbles and Crashes – Gradient Dynamics in Financial Markets
- Bubbles and Crashes: a Cyborg Approach
- Buyer Search and Price Dispersion: A Laboratory Study
- Calendar Auction White Paper
- Chapters from Handbook of Experimental Economics Results
- Cheating in Markets
- Cheating in Markets: A Methodological Exploration
- Competitivity in Auction Markets: An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation
- Conspicuous Consumption Dynamics
- Continuous Differentiation: Hotelling Revisits the Lab
- Continuous Time and Communication in a Public-goods Experiment
- Customer Search and Market Power: Some Laboratory Evidence
- Cycles and Instability in a Rock-Paper-Scissors Population Game: a Continuous Time Experiment
- Dissecting the Monty Hall Anomaly
- Double Auction Markets book Ch 1
- Dynamics of Price Dispersion
- E-commerce Recommendation with Personalized Promotion
- ESA Priorities 2020
- Effective Scoring Rules for Probabilistic Forecasts
- Emergence of Networks and Market Institutions in a Large Virtual Economy
- Equilibrium Vengeance
- Equilibrium in Evolutionary Games: Some Experimental Results
- Evolution and Negative Reciprocity
- Evolutionary Dynamics for Playing the Field
- Evolutionary Economics Goes Mainstream: A Review of the Theory of Learning in Games
- Evolutionary Games in Economics
- Evolving Landscapes for Population Games
- Experimenting with Measurement Error: Comment
- Financial Engineering and Rationality: Experimental Evidence Based on the Monty Hall Problem
- From Imitation to Collusion: Long-run Learning in a Low-Information Environment
- Gradient Dynamics in Population Games: Some Basic Results
- How Fundamentalism Takes Root: A Simulation Study
- How moral codes evolve in a trust game
- How trading institutions affect financial market performance: Some laboratory evidence
- Human and Artificial Agents in a Crash-Prone Financial Market
- Humans, Robots and Market Crashes: A Laboratory Study
- ITEM Proposal
- Incomplete Information, Dynamic Stability and the Evolution of Preferences: Two Examples
- Individual Learning in Normal Form Games: Some Laboratory Results
- International Trade and the Internal Organization of Firms: An evolutionary approach
- Internet Congestion: A Lab Experiment
- Laboratory Study of Customer Markets
- Laboratory financial markets
- Learning Liability Rules
- Learning Liability Rules
- Learning in a Laboratory Market with Random Supply and Demand
- Learning to Forecast Price
- Litigation with symmetric bargaining and two-sided incomplete information
- Market theories evolve, and so do markets
- Markups in Double Auction Markets
- Matching Market Institution: A Laboratory Investigation
- Models of Integration Given Multiple Sources of Information
- Money-Mediated Disequilibrium Processes
- Monty Hall’s Three Doors: Construction and Deconstruction of a Choice Anomaly
- Morality as a Variable Constraint on Economic Behavior
- Multi-product Utility Maximization for Portfolio Recommendation
- Naturally Occurring Preferences and General Equilibrium
- Negative Reciprocity: The Coevolution of Memes and Genes
- On economic applications of evolutionary games
- On the Efficiency of Experimental Double Auction Markets
- On the Viability of Vengeance
- On the empirical relevance of correlated equilibrium
- Online Ad Auctions: An Experiment
- Preemption Games: Theory and Experiment
- Preferences, Beliefs and Equilibrium: What Have Experiments Taught Us?
- Price Formation in Single Call Markets
- Price formation in double auction markets
- Price formation in double auction markets
- Privileged Traders and Asset Market Efficiency: A Laboratory Study
- Producers’ Markets
- Recommendation based on Total Surplus Maximization
- Revealed Altruism
- Risky Curves: From Unobservable Utility to Observable Opportunity Sets
- Risky Curves: On the Empirical Failures of Expected Utility
- Searching for the Sunk Cost Fallacy
- Separating the Hawks from the Doves
- Short-run Fluctuations in Foreign Exchange Rates: Evidence from the Data 1973-1979.
- Software for Continuous Game Experiments
- Speculative Attacks: A Laboratory Study in Continuous Time
- Term Structure of FX Rates
- Testing the TASP: An Experimental Investigation of Learning in Games with Unstable Equilibria
- The Effect of Sequential Information Arrival on Asset Prices: An Experimental Study
- The Factory System
- The Marginal Utility of Money
- The S-Shaped Value Function as a Constrained Optimum
- Towards Evolutionary Game Models of Financial Markets
- Two Microdynamic Models of Exchange
- Understanding Variability in Binary and Continuous Choice
- Varieties of Risk Preference Elicitation
- Vengefulness Evolves in Small Groups
- Vengefulness evolves in small groups
- When Are Mixed Equilibria Relevant?
- Why voters vote for incumbents but against incumbency: A rational choice explanation
- eBay Sellers