The 2013 North-American ESA Conference will be held in Santa Cruz, California from Thursday evening October 24th to Saturday October 26th, 2013. Plenary Speakers:
- Al Roth (Stanford)
- Rachel Croson (UT Arlington)
- UCSC Economics
- UCSC Social Sciences
- Stanford University
- Santa Clara University
Committee Members
- Dan Friedman, UCSC dan@ucsc.edu
- John Ifcher, Santa Clara johnifcher@gmail.com
- Linda Kamas, Santa Clara LKAMAS@scu.edu
- Charles Sprenger, Stanford c.sprenger@gmail.com
- John Wooders, U Tech Sydney jwooders@gmail.com
Important Dates
- September 8th – The deadline for submitting contributed papers
- September 15th – EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Early Registration fees for Faculty and Professionals is $250 – $150 for Students. Late registration for Faculty and Professionals is $300 – $200 for Students.
- September 17th – Program announced
- September 24th – Group Discount at The Hotel Paradox ends!
- October 24th – Conference begins
- October 26th – Conference Ends
Regional ESA Conference 2013 Program
Hotel Paradox Floor Plan

(not to scale)
Register for the Conference
All participants (including non-presenters) need to register for the conference. To be able to register you need to be a member of the ESA (annual fee is $70 for faculty and $40 for students).
Early registration for the conference is $250 for faculty members and $150 for students.
After September 15, registration fees are $300 for faculty and $200 for student members.
Conference Venue
The conference venue is The Hotel Paradox (map), about 4 miles from the UCSC Econ Dept, 0.5 mile from the beach and boardwalk, and less than 0.25 mile from downtown and many restaurants.
After September 24th we will no longer have ESA group rate for rooms at The Hotel Paradox.
If you can’t register at the Paradox Hotel, consider contacting the Best Western across the street.
Their phone number is (831) 458-9898
Tell them you are with ESA and get a rate of $109 per night
The nearest airports are San Jose (SJC, about 35 minutes away), and San Francisco (SFO, about 75 minutes away except during rush hour).
Santa Cruz Airport Flyer | 831.4.A.FLYER (831) 423.5937
Departing: Santa Cruz-SJC:$40.00/Santa Cruz-SFO:$55.00 One passenger one way
Early Bird Airport Shuttle Phone: 831.462.3933
Echo’s Airport Express Phone: 831-818-2034
Should you want to set something up yourself the best company is listed below they have larger shuttles which can be run on daily or hour blocks: The Santa Cruz Experience 831-421-9883
From SFO they charge $80 for the first person in a group and $10 for each additional person departing at the same time.
Their minivans hold 6-7 passengers, but they can line up larger vehicles (offsite, since they only have minivan permits at SFO) if they know in advance.
- West Cliff Drive: Two miles of wheelchair accessible mixed use path along the scenic Santa Cruz Coast.
- Santa Cruz Wharf: Restaurants and stores, each with a view of the Santa Cruz Boardwalk and Steamer Lane.
- Four-Mile Beach: popular among surfers and the rare drug smuggler, a great quiet beach to relax on.
Redwood Trees
- Local State Parks with major redwood groves.
- UC Santa Cruz: our campus is actually a great place to check out a relatively young coastal redwood forest.
Majestic Vistas
- From UCSC’s “Make-Out Point”, car park with a view over Santa Cruz, the Monterey Bay, and on most days all the way to Carmel-by-the-Sea
Santa Cruz Culture
- Downtown Santa Cruz: A short walk from Hotel Paradox, Pacific Avenue defines our downtown. Dozens of restaurants (including ten taquerias) and shops unique to Santa Cruz. Check out the Polka dot bodysuit accordion player and many other buskers.
- Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk: Over 100 years old, carnival rides, redemption games and American food right next to the beach and wharf.
ESA Organized Activities
- Dan Friedman and Charlie Sprenger are thinking of leading two possible Sunday morning activities, if there is sufficient interest:
a. Redwood tour. Meet at Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park around 9:30am Sunday morning. Those wishing a short walk in the woods could walk the standard loop and bus back while those wishing a longer walk could take the six miles of trail and railroad tracks back into Santa Cruz.
b Tasting tour. Meet at Swift Street around 10am. A 5 minute jitney ride from the Paradox Hotel, it contains a collection of wineries and Santa Cruz Mountain brewing. Adventurous folks could walk back along West Cliff drive (around 3.5 miles).
In addition the Hotel Paradox has a list of local activities through their website.