
Baskin Engineering Building at UCSC, view of the courtyard with people walking, decorative image.

Econ 276: Behavioral, Experimental, and Theoretical Economics Workshop (BETE)

W 10:40 am – 11:45 am

Engineering 2 Building, Rm 499

Course Requirements

Enrolled students advance their ability to launch a research project and advance it. The process involves: identifying a gap in the existing literature, developing a research design that would tackle the gap, presenting and defending their research idea, and interacting with other researchers (e.g., addressing their questions).

To receive a passing grade, all enrolled students will be required to present original research in progress at least two times during the academic year in different quarters. If demand exceeds the available hours in a quarter, half-hour time slots (2 per session) will be allocated to 3rd-year students, and full hour time slots will be allocated to 4th-year and above students. Any presentation in a brown bag or department seminar also counts towards the course requirements. 2nd-year students may present, and 3rd-year students may present in an hour-long time slot with a faculty recommendation. 

Incomplete grades will be given until the two-presentation-per-academic-year requirement is reached.  

A passing grade will also require the presentations to pass the bar of quality. Following the Guidelines and Score sheet of the Second Year Paper and the Oral Exam, presentations should cover the following key elements:

a. Intellectual merit of proposed research question

b. Command and connection to the literature

c. Feasibility of proposed research

d. Understanding of research methods and limitations

In addition, attendance and active participation are required. We also strongly encourage all students to attend the Applied Microeconomics Seminar Series on Thursdays, from 1:40 pm – 3:00 pm, in E2-499. 

Participation in this twice-a-month online workshop is highly recommended:  

Course Prerequisites: 

204C, 205C, and 211C 

Course Schedule:

At the beginning of the quarter, each student will select a week to expose his/her project. Presenters will be asked to send their presentation slides to every participant the day before the presentations.  

Weekly student presentations will coordinate and discussed over email before the quarter starts.